Sept 2021

Teh Tarik with Adam Ikhwan: Where the sky has no limit

Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash

Where the sky has no limit

Joyce Shamini

From a small-time car technician to now a Plant Engineer with one of the MRT Underground tunnel teams, 35-year-old Adam Ikhwan has had a colourful streak in career choices. One of the earliest graduates of the Differently-Abled programme, we follow his trail in professional adventures.  

Adam was always drawn to the hard sciences with an affinity for computers and technology. In the last two years, his role as a Plant Engineer had considerably taken his talents to the task. Proficient with AutoCAD, he was the go-to person for detailed drawings and had been instrumental in modelling construction sequences related to the tunnel boring machine operations. Adam had also developed several planning tools with Microsoft Excel to track material inventories and the logistics of everyday work.  

His buddy, Senior Tunnel Engineer Muhammad Shazwan told us that recently Adam single-handedly coordinated and supervised the transfer and storage of the decommissioned tunnelling equipment, plants and steel structures. He added, “He was so meticulous that he even took the initiative to go to the offsite storage yard and account for every single transferred item.”  

Adam had laid years’ worth of groundwork to build on the skillset and creditability he had established today. He was once a draftsman at a heavy manufacturing factory making compost turning machines for palm oil factories, where he honed his AutoCAD skills. Previously he was also a machinist making small electronic brass connectors. Adam’s ambition is formidable. Not satisfied with earning a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, he also completed his Master’s degree last year. He jokingly added, “I will not be doing my PhD anytime soon, juggling Masters while working was not fun!”  

Interestingly, when I probed for the motivation behind his career growth, Adam told us matter-of-factly that he was just open to opportunities to upskill himself and earn a better income. He was also fortunate to be surrounded by a nurturing environment. 

At the Hospital Kuala Lumpur Crossover site where he was based, he felt welcomed and valued by the team. He recalled how when he first started, he wasn’t allowed to go to the site alone initially. Apart from completing his safety competency training first, his team wanted to gradually acclimatise him to the new work environment and job scopes. In time, he could work independently on-site, coordinating with technicians, tunnel crews and subcontractors. Moving on, he is currently working remotely in project tendering efforts. 

They say the sky is the limit, but often society tends to be the limiting factor for the neurodiverse. Adam encouraged anyone struggling to voice up or seek help when you need it, as much as what’s within their control. Taking things in his stride, Adam remains open-ended about his future career course. “Maybe I’ll start a business or go into consultation. I don’t know where I’ll be in a year,” Adam contemplated out loud. One thing is for sure, with an indomitable spirit to embrace life with all of its see-saw surprises, even the sky is no limit for Adam! 

"Voice up or seek help when you need it."

Adam Ikhwan, Plant Engineer

Muhammad Shazwan and his buddy, Adam Ikhwan

Adam prepping to help with RTK testing

Sept 2021

The danger lurking on social media 

The danger lurking on social media

Sheena Wong and Ivan Yeh 

Social media has transformed the way we interact and work.  

Over 70% of businesses today have Facebook accounts, and almost as many are on Twitter. Research has shown that nearly 80% of employees use social media in the office. It has become a part of our life to connect with our family and friends on social media. 

At the same time, scams are prevalent across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. These social media platforms are packed with exciting content that can be a great disguise for malicious links. Social media also encourages you to share information and connect with people, opening you to phishing attacks. 

All of this should not discourage you from using social media because you can take sensible precautions to safeguard your privacy and the business needs by asking these critical questions. 

Is it very urgent?
Or too good to be true?

Scammers will do anything to attract you to click that link. You may get a legitimate-looking email informing you that your account will be locked if you do not log in immediately via a given link. Or you may receive a message, apparently from a friend or colleague, inviting you to click on an amazing offer or an interesting video.  

Whenever you see a link, you must treat it with a healthy dose of suspicion. Pick up the phone to verify with the sender about that request sent to your inbox. Go to the website directly by typing in the URL yourself to check your account. While this may seem like a hassle, it is well worth taking the extra five minutes to avoid the trap. 

Is it necessary to tell
this all on social media?

Cybersecurity attacks can leverage users’ contacts, location, and even business activities. Think about the information you share online. Are you sharing too much details that could allow someone to impersonate you? Are you sharing potentially sensitive data about your business?  

Avoid accepting every invitation to connect, and consider restricting access to your profile. Most people let their guard down on social media, which can come back to haunt them at some point in the future. Always think about your activities online and take responsibility for your cybersecurity hygiene. 

For more cybersecurity best practices, visit Workplace and take these information posters as a constant reminder to be aware of the latest cyber threats and stay vigilant. 

We continue to protect our company data and networks with strong governance and policies. Refer to Gamuda’s Social Media and Information Security policies available on GES. 

Sept 2021

My journey of discovery through Gamuda Scholarship

My journey of discovery through Gamuda Scholarship

Tan Tho Wei 

I was awarded the Gamuda Scholarship in 2004 to pursue my study in Mechanical  Engineering at the University of Bath in the UK.

Four years later, I began my career with Gamuda as a Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Engineer and was entrusted with the role of M&E Construction Manager for MRT Kajang Line and subsequently MRT Putrajaya Line in 2015. 

In 2019, I had the opportunity to lead the Scholarship Working Committee (SWG) and work hand-in-hand with Yayasan Gamuda and the Group Talent Management team to enhance our scholar selection process and ensure the scholarship programme is aligned with our Group vision and goals. 

That opportunity has reinforced my passion for talent development, and I made a decisive career shift after spending 13 years on construction projects. Today, I oversee the broader aspect of people and organisational development through my current role, Head of Talent Management and Organisational Development (TMOD). 

Gamuda Scholarship primarily provides educational aid and sustainably contributes to community development. We have endeavoured to sponsor undergraduate education for deserving students since 1996. To-date we have given out approximately RM47.1 million worth of scholarships to 475 deserving students.  

Strengthening our
talent pipeline

Through Gamuda Scholarship, we identify high potential talents and fund their studies in reputable institutions, locally and internationally. The aid adds value to the recipients and subsequently to the Group when they start working. More than 30% of our working scholars are currently holding managerial and supervisory positions Group-wide.  

The list of sponsored courses has expanded in line with the Group’s growth. This year, we included courses such as Software Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Science and Sustainability, as well as Occupational Safety and Health to ensure we have a healthy talent pipeline to support our digitalisation and ESG implementation, especially through the roll-out of our Gamuda Green Plan 2025. 

To get the right talents, we have strengthened the scholarship selection process along the way. We designed our in-house assessment workshops and involved internal leaders in assessing the candidates. We also invited prominent external leaders from both engineering and non-engineering spaces to be part of the panellists in the final interview which helps broaden our perspective in evaluating candidates. 

Our Talent Management team launched the Scholars’ Engagement and Development Programme (SEDP) in 2018. It is a structured three-year development programme that helps our scholars transition from fresh graduates to Gamuda’s employees by instilling them with the right skillsets and values through Gamuda Learning Centre. 

Our working scholars are deployed across various Business Units within the Group. We also have scholars attached to overseas projects in Taiwan, Vietnam and Australia for wider international exposure. 

What is different in
this year’s Gamuda Scholarship?

  • Despite the challenges posed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Group continues to provide scholarships to the right candidates. This year’s entire process of scholarship awards (from registration, shortlisting, group workshops, interviews and award ceremony) was conducted fully online
  • The list of sponsored courses has been extended beyond engineeringrelated courses to align with our ESG and digitalisation initiatives.  
  • We invited two external subject matter experts on ESG in our final interview session to broaden our perspective in selecting high-quality candidates. 

Tan Tho Wei , Head of Talent Management and Organisational Development (TMOD).

As a Gamuda Scholar, I am grateful to be part of this journey. I have met amazing people in Gamuda and am involved in exciting projects that I am proud to share with my friends and family. The Group provides me with both challenges and support, enabling me to grow and mature along the way. I believe Gamuda Scholarship is primed to continuously support individuals and sow the seeds of talent pool within our company. 


Sept 2021

#KitaJagaKita with GL Cares

#KitaJagaKita with GL Cares

Yuevern Loh 

If you’ve been on any social media platforms in the past few months, there’s no escape from reading about heartbreaking stories of the community struggling to make it through the COVID-19 pandemic, be it financially, mentally or physically. While it can be a downer to see people going through difficulties, we decided to give back to the community as much as we can. 

GL Cares is a community initiative that started with a donation drive amongst Gamuda Land staff, associates and business partners to fund food aid and distribution to people in need. In keeping with this spirit, Gamuda Land has then matched every staff donation ringgit-for-ringgit. On top of that, Gamuda Land townships are also contributing to the donation fund to reach more people and further support the cause. 

“It is heart-warming to see our staff being proactive and proposing this initiative to us as a way to support the community sincerely. While we can’t control the outcome of the pandemic and the economy, we want to help in any way we can by providing daily essentials and food aid. Every little help goes a long way,” says Yuen Chee Meng, Executive Director, Branding and Customer Experience in Gamuda Land.  

Give what we can

The main avenue in which the funds are utilised is by setting up of food aid stations throughout several Gamuda Land townships for people in need. Namely Gamuda Gardens, Kundang Estates, twentyfive.7, Horizon Hills and Jade Hills – these food aid stations allow our community-in-need to take essentials and necessities such as rice, cooking oil, face masks, sanitiser, diapers and more. 

For people who are unable to visit the station due to various challenges and travel restrictions, bags filled with essentials are personally packed and delivered to the villagers and Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) by Gamuda Land staff. 

Working in partnership with domestic suppliers like 99 Speedmart, who help keep the shelves stocked, the public and residents of Gamuda Land can also contribute food items to help the needy.  

“It was a challenge getting everything in order for all the townships and dealing with the suppliers while adhering to the SOPs. We had to set everything up as quickly as possible since time was an important factor to those in need. Nevertheless, the team is very passionate about this noble cause, has great motivation, and they went the extra mile to make this happen,” said Liong Ve Lyn, General Manager, Central Marketing and Sales. 

Helping in more than one way

Undoubtedly, foreign workers in Malaysia are one of the groups most affected by the pandemic. Through the food aid program, food essentials were also sent to over 1,700 workers throughout Gamuda’s CLQs to help them through these tough times. 

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Sept 2021

Meaningful, inclusive community engagement

Meaningful, inclusive community engagement

Sheena Wong 

The Penang South Islands (PSI) is a catalytic project that will drive the timely expansion for Penang 2030. It stems from the State Government’s vision to revive Penang‘s socio-economy and elevate the living standard of its residents. Aimed at creating equal opportunities, a central part of this project is to enable community involvement and employment, which represent the social aspect of ESG. 

Community relations and issue management

The Strategic Communications and Stakeholder Management (SCSM) team of SRS Consortium works closely with the Penang State Government to manage this aspect of the project.  

“Over the years, our team connected with fishermen associations, Members of Parliament (MPs), State Assemblypersons (ADUNs), local councillors, MPKK, village leaders, schools, places of worship, resident associations (RAs) and NGOs through various one-to-one engagements, public forums, focus group discussions, townhall briefings and community related services and activities. It is an achievement to see how our team has grown their capabilities to tackle all kinds of issues on the ground. We treat each other like family here,” said Audrey Lakai, Assistant General Manager of SCSM. 

J.Sugenesen A/L Janarthanan, Assistant Manager of SCSM recounted his personal growth, “Initiating the engagement in the early days was challenging yet fruitful. We remained focused on our intention to be on the ground and gauge true sentiments. We also explored different ways to engage with the community and disseminate accurate information about PSI.” 

Helping the flood victims in a clean-up event at Kampung Masjid, Teluk Kumbar in 2017

J.Sugenesen (in blue shirt standing) conversing  with fishermen at Permatang Damar Laut in 2019

Dedicated PPSN for fishermen

We integrated the local culture and perspective in our stakeholder communication when we established dedicated fishermen’s information centres, named Pusat Perkhidmatan Setempat Nelayan (PPSN) by hiring local people for the job – to provide support to the communities and address the fishermen issues. We have established three PPSN to-date, located at Permatang Damar Laut, Gertak Sanggul and Sungai Batu. The support that we receive from the locals has grown through these centres over time. 

Coming from a fisherman family, it was a turning point for Senior Information Officer of PPSN, Zuraini Binti Mad Zin, when she joined the team in 2016. The move was encouraged by her father, a known fisherman in Southern Penang who sees the benefit of the PSI project in providing stable income and better livelihood for his children. 

It is an arduous task to engage with people on the ground constantly, yet Zuraini tackles it with positivity and by speaking in their language. She said, “The fishermen are like my uncles and I have known some of them since young. By being in this, I see it as a chance to serve my community. For instance, we recently distributed food baskets to assist the needy affected by the pandemic. They appreciate and remember the kind gestures of PPSN.” 

The list of work does not stop there. Zuraini’s team regularly engages the people for their feedback and help the fishermen communities in many impactful ways – such as repairing the fisherman’s houses, providing job opportunities for the young and taking care of the elderly welfare. This in turn, helps the team maintain a close affinity with the local community. 

Audrey (on the left) and Zuraini (on the right) engaging with a fisherman at Teluk Kumbar.

Zuraini (in black shirt) engaging with fishermen at Kampung Nelayan Teluk Kumbar in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Keeping the ground warm

In plan, the SRS Consortium team continues the roll-out of Community Participation Programme (CPP) based on four key initiatives to foster relationship with the local communities while aligning to the Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP), PSR Ecology Offset Masterplan (PEOM) and Gamuda Green Plan 2025. 

Hats off to the team – up until July 2021, we have reached out to a total of 44,909 stakeholders since 2015. The social impact from these engagements have brought valuable insights into the minds of various community groups.  

As a result, we can address their pertinent needs and additionally, bring tremendous improvement to the livelihood of the local community, by creating job security in the long run and generating business opportunities for the local supply chain. Many Penangites like J.Sugenesen and Zuraini are looking forward in realising this project. 

Sept 2021

Taking the leap with Gamuda Excellence Transformation

Taking the leap with
Gamuda Excellence Transformation

Joyce Shamini and John Lim Ji Xiong 

Long before the global pandemic had ushered in the rapid digitalisation of workplaces and services, Gamuda was already getting its feet wet. Many of our innovations, like the autonomous tunnel boring machine (A-TBM), BIM Augmented Reality or the setup of the country’s first digital IBS facility – all bore industry-scale impact. These have set us apart as infrastructure and property development innovators in the region and beyond.  

Yet, we can’t rest on our laurels. There is an incessant need to evolve and future-proof our industry. With the rise of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the cloud and the internet of things (IoT), we need to upskill ourselves to leverage these tools. 

The possibilities are exciting, but they can also be overwhelming! That is where the Gamuda Excellence Transformation (GET) comes in. Charged with the mandate to elevate digital excellence in partnership with all business units (BU) and staff, GET intends to boost Group-wide data literacy while improving our digital engineering landscape and catalysing innovative opportunities. 

With a host of plans in motion, GET has something for everyone. To help you get started on your digital excellence journey, here are some places to get started at.

Sept 2021

The future of construction, IBS

Copyright © 2021 Gamuda Berhad

The future of home building, Digital IBS

Sheena Wong  

Digital Industrialised Building System (IBS) is the future of home building and a sustainable construction method to attain quality with higher precision and productivity.  

Working towards enhancing Group-wide sustainability via digitalisation, in particular to our fourth pillar in Gamuda Green Plan 2025, Executive Director of Gamuda Engineering Lim Hui Yan is upbeat about the potential of Digital IBS in our pursuit of accelerating technology adoption and doing business responsibly.  She sees it as a key enabler to elevating industry standards in project delivery with an unparalleled design efficiency, productivity and sustainability.

The synergy between our engineering expertise and property development arm has also put Gamuda in a prime position to spearhead circular construction across the industry. “We can bring skilled talents from both sides of our business together and drive the change strategically as we implement digital construction across our developments,” she explained. 

Gamuda Land Project Director of Central Region, Chu Wai Lune added, “A unique differentiator for our township development is when we step up the game with the adoption of Digital IBS. This will accord us the competitive advantages to address the challenges faced by the housing and property market – working towards green building, innovation and technology.” 

Pioneering industrial change to Digital IBS

Our people and accumulated experience set Gamuda Digital IBS apart from the industry.  

We take pride in our factories that have the largest manufacturing capacity in Malaysia, delivering up to 10,000 residential units per year. We provide a full-suite of Digital IBS services from cloud-based digital design and seamless integration with Building Information Modelling (BIM), to high-level automation and end-to-end precision robotic production. All these bring about value engineering from a digital ecosystem perspective.

Ir. Steven Goh Nai Jun, Manager of Gamuda IBS said, “We have produced a variety of precast products suitable for a wide range of projects – be it landed, high-rise, commercial or even infrastructures. Our precast bathroom pod has so much application potential as it embraces vertical integration of precast shell, tiles, waterproofing and sanitary fitting – all ready for plug and play at the site.”

Gamuda is able to help contractors achieve ‘just-in-time’ (JIT) construction with Digital IBS. JIT is a Japanese management philosophy in meeting consumer demands with minimal delays. This approach helps to minimise flow time and cost overrun in precast handling while achieving zero inventories, which inadvertently leads to better efficiency and savings. 

Ir. Steven Goh anticipates higher Digital IBS adoption with closer collaboration between industry players. Precast is precision engineering as it requires meticulous attention to detail in every step to execute it concisely from the beginning till the end.

Seamless integration of a cloud-based digital design with Building Information Modelling (BIM), high level of automation and end-to-end precision robotic production. 

Gamuda Digital IBS project snapshots

Gamuda Land has been leading the way by adopting Digital IBS in Gamuda Gardens, Gamuda Cove and Twentyfive.7. Digital construction is rapidly gaining momentum in Malaysia as builders see the critical need to embrace technology in the post-pandemic recovery.

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The people who made it happened

We celebrate our team who made it happened, one of the many, our Head of Installation Ratchanon Suriyot. Installation is the final key puzzle piece in our Digital IBS ecosystem, without which we would not realise the precast construction’s design intent, functionality and elegant aesthetics. 

Ratchanon’s team takes care of the installation details and provides the final touch to our construction quality. Most importantly, he is passionate in grooming local talents to excel in IBS installation.

Ratchanon Suriyot, our Head of Installation.

As Ir. Thoo Hoi Hian, Head of Building Design and Precast, said, “Digital IBS is not the main solution provider for the construction industry, it is the people behind the technology. We need to retain the right talent to unleash the potential of digital construction.” 

He is optimistic that Digital IBS can attract brighter minds and younger blood to construction. For many years, we have relied on foreign workers to build in the conventional way. With digital construction, we can declare that our homes are truly ‘Malaysian made’! 

Continuously perfecting the details

Ir. Thoo put it aptly, “Change is inevitable, it’s either we innovate or die.”  

The team continues to enhance our product design through R&D. A notable example would be adopting the use of cast-in threaded couplers for faster and precise installation.  

Our Digital IBS system also adopts ‘tongue and groove’ and stitch joints to provide better protection against potential seepage at the joints. The ‘tongue and groove’ joint forms a three-tier protection system via a passive resistance of kerb upturn, coupled with protection barrier using non-shrink grout and external sealant – a proven system for seamless watertight performance. 

Overall, Digital IBS promotes sustainability through a controlled manufacturing environment. Moving forward, more ESG elements will be introduced to build better homes. 

Sept 2021

National pride on display this Merdeka 2021

National pride on display
this Merdeka 2021

Adam Anand Row 

As the nation marks 64 years of independence this Merdeka 2021, the MMC-Gamuda (MGJV) team working on the MRT Putrajaya Line project is celebrating by putting their patriotism on display. All of the new Phase 1 stations along with other sites have been decked out with the ‘Jalur Gemilang’, proudly proclaiming the project’s status as source of national pride.  

The project itself is on track for completion, as civil construction, system works as well as landscaping works have all been completed at the nine new elevated stations from MRT Damansara Damai to MRT Kampung Batu. The final hurdle remaining is the closure and migration of MRT Kwasa Damansara, MRT Kampung Selamat and MRT Sungai Buloh, which will reopen as part of Phase 1 of the Putrajaya Line at its launch. While the journey is not over, the MGJV team has reached a major milestone, and even more impressively, delivered on time and schedule. Great work, Team!  

Malaysian flags adorn the stations and connecting pedestrian overhead bridges such as here at MRT Sri Delima.

MRT Jinjang Station with the Jalur Gemilang on display.

Site workers decorating the entrance of the MRT Conlay Station worksite with the Malaysian flag.

Sept 2021

Sept 2021 – Gamuda Rise Newsletter

All eyes on new health services

Adam Anand Row 

Gamuda Laboratories has set the groundwork for a new phase of medical service offerings within the Gamuda group. It’s the COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing and Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay test (for the quantitative determination of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) offerings to commercial entities and the public.  

This comes ahead of the soon-to-be-launched Gamuda Clinics, which aims to provide generalised and specialised outpatient medical services at affordable prices. It is the natural evolution of Gamuda’s focus and commitment to the health and safety of its employees and their families throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. 

The two Gamuda Clinics are located at MGKT ERT Yard at Jalan Chan Sow Lin, Sungai Besi and Menara Gamuda (formerly Cafe Toscana); offering medical services first to Gamuda Group employees before being opened to the public later. By bringing employee health management in-house, treatment costs can be lowered while also increasing the quality of healthcare provided.  

As explained by Dr Gayathrie Sadacharamani, MGJV Medical Services Manager, “At Gamuda Clinics, our aim is to treat our patients like family with a priority on providing high-quality treatment. We’ve taken great care to ensure everything from the design and ambience of our clinics, to getting the right care and attention to specific to needs by our medical staff, provides a welcoming and attentive patient experience.” 

Gamuda Laboratories is equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment to ensure accurate test results.

Each sample is carefully tested by our experienced in-house medical technicians using world class safety protocols.

National pride on display this Merdeka 2021 

As the nation marks 64 years of independence this Merdeka 2021, the MMC-Gamuda (MGJV) team working on the MRT Putrajaya Line project is celebrating by putting their patriotism on display.

The future of home building, Digital IBS 

Digital Industrialised Building System (IBS) is the future of home building and a sustainable construction method to attain quality with higher precision and productivity.  

Taking the leap with Gamuda Excellence Transformation 

Long before the global pandemic had ushered in the rapid digitalisation of workplaces and services, Gamuda was already getting its feet wet.

Meaningful, inclusive community engagement 

The Penang South Islands (PSI) is a catalytic project that will drive the timely expansion for Penang 2030. It stems from the State Government’s vision to revive Penang‘s socio-economy and elevate the living standard of its residents.

#KitaJagaKita with GL Cares 

If you’ve been on any social media platforms in the past few months, there’s no escape from reading about heartbreaking stories of the community struggling to make it through the COVID-19 pandemic, be it financially, mentally or physically.

My journey of discovery through Gamuda Scholarship 

I was awarded the Gamuda Scholarship in 2004 to pursue my study in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath  in the UK.

The danger lurking on social media

Social media has transformed the way we interact and work.  

Teh Tarik with Adam Ikhwan: Where the sky has no limit 

From a small-time car technician to now a Plant Engineer with one of the MRT Underground tunnel teams, 35-year-old Adam Ikhwan has had a colourful streak in career choices.